
The Postpartum Doulas of One Moon Doula Services, LLC

Last week I held the first team meeting with One Moon Doula’s newest postpartum doulas.

I’m so impressed.

Selecting a team at this time in my life, at almost 40 years old, couldn’t have been better timing. Combining my life experience and work experience with a renewed trust in my gut, confidence in my judgement… led me to know almost instantly who would be a good fit – not just for my agency, and for our clients, but for each other as colleagues and teammates.

And how cool that they can seem like such a cohesive group despite the differences and diversity: a mom with children in their thirties, and a mom still breastfeeding an infant; a mom with four young children, and women with no children at all; doulas who have been practicing for years, and others who are newly trained but a perfect, natural fit; religious and not; married and single; military and non; born and raised in Alaska, and native to Southern California.

We are going to learn so much from each other, bring excellent care to local families, and hopefully do our part to elevate the postpartum experience in our little corner of the world.

I’ve introduced some but not all of these doulas here:

Keep checking back for updates!

Kathryn Keener, Director
One Moon Doula Services, LLC

Kathryn KeenerThe Postpartum Doulas of One Moon Doula Services, LLC